Richard Robot in Stockholm Our second time in Stockholm: this time felt way more professional. The last time we were here was at the end of the 5 month Get Ready tour. If you want to read more of that, check out this post. It was a break in the tour where we had to jump on a boat and the closest place was here in Stockholm. We crowded into 2 rooms (with 7 people) for a few days, sleeping only a few hours a night (one of the perks of summers way up north). With no money, we basically were on a perpetual walking tour, which took me, then, by the venue.

This time around, we drove up to the venue with our passes proudly hung around our necks by shameless BSB lanyards. We even ate at a real restaurant (albeit a burger joint), in town. It felt like we finally hit the drinking age and got into the nightclub.

The Hovet was a nice venue. Another big hockey arena (noticing a theme?) with a huge floor seating area. As part of my selfie battle with Fredo, I made a strong move of what I call a long-range selfie. I set a timer on stage and ran to the back of the arena. The problem was that the first time I did it, the phone fell and took a dumb picture of the ground. The second attempt wasn’t much better. I beat the timer but thought it was done and started to come back by the time it took. Third time’s a charm and I nailed it, but in the process found myself out of breath for the rest of the night. Idiot. But winner. Hell of a good selfie. Check it out on The ‘gram. @richardrobot