Richard Robot in ManchesterThe time has come and the final day of the Backstreet Boys’ In A World Like This Tour has arrived.

We scrambled a bit through London and the complicated train system to get my dad a ticket to Manchester with us. So scrambled, in fact, that we almost missed the train. Out of breath we slumped into our seats, ordered a little food, and paid an extra ten pounds for first class seats. Like a sprinter rounding the corner we were in full sprint towards the finish line. Hungover but powered by caffeine and adrenaline, the final performance was emotional. We brought our whole crew (save the sound guys Paul Kaleka and Julien “Léo” David) on stage to take a bow. Greg Grattan, Matt Lukasiewicz, Christopher ‘Bama’ Young made everything possible. Michael Wallmüller and Ahmad “DJ Mixstar” Mohammadi took care of the A/V throughout the tour, and a huge thanks to Angelo Juric, Matthias Schilling & the Fabse Prim, and of course Thomas Mack for all your support. Perhaps most importantly, thanks to Katja Mack for getting our dance moves on point for the tour!

All that being said, we got to take a bunch of pictures after the show, including the elusive pic with BSB and us.

I finished the show and hung out with my dad for the rest of the time until we had to run and do autographs one last time. My dad came backstage to meet the crew and a few of the Backstreet Boys. We said all of our goodbyes and thank yous. Then, with little ceremony, I bid my dad adieu in the train station while we took the bus to the airport and flew home. Bucket List achievement: unlocked.

Backstreet Boys and The Exchange

Alfredo Austin, Missie Léo Julien David, Aaron Sperber, Brian Littrell, Jamal Moore, Matt Lukasiewicz, Paul Kaleka, AJ McLean, Kevin Richardson, Nick Carter, Christopher Diaz, Christopher Young, Greg Grattan, Michael Wallmüller, Richard Robot Steighner, Howie Dorough.