Richard Robot in BirminghamTime for the strangest scheduling move of the tour. Amidst a few shows in Germany and the Netherlands sits a show in Birmingham. In England. Hmm. Ok. Well at least we get a day off on either end for their crew to get there and back.

Not sure what to expect, my only knowledge of Birmingham is in Alabama. First of all it was a little cold and gloomy. But again, this is England. The surroundings were a little glum too but…like I said…England.

I think it really brought the mood of everybody down. While most of the guys hung out in the hotel, I got to explore the outdoor market and have one of those traditional English breakfasts (that seems a bit like an American lunch). There was a pretty extensive series of shops hidden near the hotel so we took a stroll through there as well. Not much to buy, maybe a few gifts here and there, but something to do.

The crowd trickled in as the support band (us) got things rolling. By the time BSB hit the stage, the stands had finally filled up, but we made the absolute most of it. Strangely, through the stay here, Birmingham started to grow on me and I felt settled in after the show back at the hotel.

Time to uproot again for the flight tomorrow.